ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF PROPHETIC H EALING FOR COVID-19. Translation: Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem PROPHET MUHAMMAD'S (PEACE AND BLESSINGS OF ALLAH BE UPON HIM) CURE FOR CORONAVIRUS: Sumac This Message was distributed by some representatives and followers of the Naqshbandi Haqqani Sufi Order from Germany. May God's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon you. Dear brothers and sisters! A pious lady from Shirnak, Turkey, who is a distant relative to me, saw the Prophet Muhammad (s) in her dream twice in this holy month of Rajab. She personally mentioned the dream to me, because she trusted me as an imam, and told me to spread the news to everyone, because it is the order and advice of Prophet Muhammad (s). My dear brothers and sisters! I have written down the dream exactly the way she related it to me so that there would be no mistakes: THE FIRST DREAM "The first dream I saw was on the holy night of Raghaib, which is the first Friday night of Rajab (27 February 2020). In the dream, P...