Islamic Tradition of Conducting Urs in the Sufi Way

Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem
Allahumma Swalli Ala Sayyidinaa Muhammadin Wa Alaa Aali Sayyidinaa Muhammadin wa Sallim

Sufi Practice: Commemoration  (Urs) of the death anniversaries of Ancestors, Martyrs and Righteous:

Majority of the Chapters in the Quran is actually Urs of the Prophets, their family and followers. One of the best Urs chapters of the Noble Quran is Sura Al-Kahf and Sura Maryam. Chapter 18&19 of the Holy Quran. Every religious book speaks well of the ancestors and pious with in it's genesis and chronology. However, some lower minded people coming and saying: giving homage to pious and ancestors is innovation and act of worship (polytheism).

One of the warning of Prophet of Islam about end of times is that the ignorance will spread. Yes, we are witnessing that today. People who make everything shirk and bidha without any knowledge or understanding of the religion!. If their claim is true, then refute the Quran and Hadiths mentioned here. But to remain as munafiq (hypocrites) you have to argue over the truths that is still practised by Sufis, Because if the Quran and Hadith comes before you, then you are running away, because you are afraid to refute Quran and Hadith in public, because when you do that, you are openly declaring Kufr (disbelief in it). But you want to remain hidden disbeliever (hypocrites) among the believers!

It was narrated that Abu Hussain , whose name was Khalid Al-Madani,said:”We were in Al Madinah on the day of Ashura,and the girls were beating Duff and singing. We entered upon Ruba’i bint Mu’awwidh and mentioned that to her. She said: “the Messenger of Allah (SallaAllahu alaihi Wa Sallam) entered upon me on the morning of my wedding, and there were two girls with me who were singing and mentioning the qualities of my forefathers who were killed on the day of Badr. One of the thing they were saying was: “Among us there is a Prophet who knows what will happen tomorrow.” He (Prophet Salla Allahu alaihi wa Sallam) said: “Do not say this, for no one knows what will happen tomorrow except Allah” (Sahih), Sunan Ibn Majah 1897 Arabic-English (Darussalam Publishers, Wahabi Publishers/Saudi Arabia)


From this Hadith, we can see that, Sahaba used to commemorate the passing away of their ancestors!.  They used to get together and sing in reverence to the Prophet alaihiswalathu wa salam and Martyrs. Jahil Wahabis claim to be the followers of Quran and Hadith, but they don't know any Quran and Hadith. Wahabi Islam is a confusion and  disorder!. It is a strayed sect , probably a new religion that emerged in 18th century  and closely resembles the work of Kharijs!

Welcome to the only authentic Sufi Islam,  Ottoman (Hanafi-Suf Naqshbandi) Madhab following Ahlu Sunna Wal Jamah. Say bye to the religion of liars and ignorant!
Enter in Islam completely and do not follow the foot step of Satan (72 sects) which lead to the Fire.

Sufism teach to love the truth and justice, all else comes after that. Loving tyrants and hypocrites is not Sufi traditions, such is the tradition of heretics and liars!

Wa salamun alal Mursaleen walhamdulillahi Rabbil Aalameen

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