Saint Khwajah Abdul Khaliq Ghujdevani and Al-Khidr


In the Name of Allah Most Mericul Most Beneficent
Hazret Khwaja Abdul Khaliq al-Ghujdawani (qaddas-Allahu sirrahu)was born on 22 Sha’ban 435 AH in Ghujdawan near Bukhara (modern-day Uzbekistan). He is the 11th grand Shaykh of the Naqshbandi Sufi Way and Imam of the Khwajgan Way (previous name of the Naqshbandi Way)He received the silent recollection (Al-dhikr Al-Qalbi) in his youth from Al-Khidr (peace be upon him), and persisted with the said recollection. Al Khidr (alaihissalam) accepted him as a son and commanded him to become absorbed in it and to say in his heart under the water "there is no god but Allah and Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is the Messenger of Allah". The Khwajah did it. He learned this from him and engaged himself with this there, until all sorts of openings and elevations occurred to him beyond the perception of discernment.

The Manner of his engagement , his goal , and his utmost perfection were acceptable and desirable from beginning to end among all people. When Khwajah Yusuf Al Hamadani (Qaddasallahu Sirrahu) arrived in Bukhara , Khwajah Abdul Khaliq (Qaddasallahu Sirrahu) came to visit him and, as he learned that he too is engaged in the silent Dhikr, he benefited from his company (sohbat) and attended him during his stay in Bukhara.

Therefore, it is said that Al Khidr (Peace be upon him), was his master in instruction and inspiration while Khwaja Yusuf Al Hamadani (Qaddasallahu Sirrahu) was his master in accompaniment.

He passed away on 12 Rabi’ al-Awwal 575 AH in his hometown Ghujdawan, near Bukhara (Uzbekistan), where his tomb is a place of pilgrimage. (From Rashahat,26)
The Secret of Naqshbandiyya is passed from Hazret Abdul Khaliq Ghudevani (Q.S) to Shah Baha'uddin Naqshabndi (Q.S) through spiritual transmission as Hazret Abdul Khaliq Ghujdevani (Q.S) received it from Hazret Khidr (alaihissalam), and the fulfillment of formal and outward authorization and succession which is fulfillemnt of the sacred Law (Shari'ah) is received from Hazret Yusuf A Hamadani (Q.S) to Hazret Abul Khaliq Ghujdevani (Q.S) and Shah Baha'uddin Naqshbandi (Q.S) from Hazret Sayyid Amir Kulal (Qaddasallahu Sirrahu).


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