Use of Music in the Sufi Way

Authenticity of using Music in the Remembrance of God:

بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.

Islam is not the religion of hypocrisy and double standard, not the way of foolishness and ignorance. But Islam is the Highway of Holiness, Wisdom and understanding, such Islam is only found with the Saints of Islam (the great Shaykhs of Sufi tariqah/way) 

Music is used in the Sufi Way to bring beauty and excellence to  Zikr and Poems. People with lower IQ levels and lack of logic says using Music is Haram (unlawful).  However music is forbidden when it is used for entertaining the lower self. Music is allowed for lawful purposes, for example in Mehfil and Zikr Halqa (Prayer vigils).

Those who Wake Up for Fajr Prayer by the Mediation of Alarm Music from Phone or Clock:

Some people quote a few Hadiths out of the context and declare that Music is completely forbidden! However it was never the case in the entire Islamic history!. Even those people who criticise Sufis for using Music in Sufi gatherings, they wake up in the morning for dawn prayer (Fajr salat) hearing the music alarm from their phone.  So if we follow their logic, who misquote Hadith and say, Music is from Satan, is it Satan who wake them up by the music alarm on their phone?. So how can the prayer of this people be accepted if it was Satan who awake them for prayer through music!. Look at the foolishness of those who say, Music of Sufis is Haram (forbidden in Islam), while they are themselves contradicting their beliefs!. The Quran and Hadiths speaks about these double standard minded sects and groups who claim to be understanding Islam, but their way and understanding is completely a mess!
Some smart square-heads say that, we use Azan or Quran recitation in Alarm, so its ok. Now basically what you are saying: It is ok to add Islamic things to a device that has haram music in it.  If I use your argument against you, I can quote the Quran Ayah which says: Do not mix truth (azan) with falsehood (Music) in the same memory card of your phone or alarm! . You might argue that, you have a special clock that does not have a music in it, but only Azan!. Azan clock, you call it so. But I looked at who manufactured it. It is made in China. The Chinese compose you Azan, ehh!, are you joking?


In the Name of Allah Most Merciful Most Beneficent 
Allahumma Swalli Ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa Ala Aali Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa Sallim
Madad Ya Rijal Allah Madad Ya Sultanul Awliya Madad
We are opening this Blog Page “Sufi Answers” with a celebration and written music in it and poem. As any real time celebration comes with some poems, music and singing!
The Enemies of the pious and main body of Islam accuse Muslim majority for using music!. They says music is haram and bidha in Islam. However, their attack against Sufis and Ahlu Sunna (Main body) is coming from their hypocrisy and double standard!
Below are the Hadith references for using Music in Islamic environment.
It was narrated that A’isha (Radiyallahu Ta’ala Anha) said: “Abu Bakar (Radiyallahu Anhu) entered upon me ,and there were two girls from the Ansar with me, singing about what the Ansar used to sing about the Day of ‘Bu’ath’. She said: “And they they were not really singers.”
Abu Bakar (Radiyallahu Anhu) said: “The wind instruments of Satan in the house of the Prophet (SallaAllahu alaihi Wa Sallam)?. That was on the day of ‘Eid’ (Al Fithr). But the Prophet (Salla Allahu alaihi Wa Sallam) said: “O Abu Bakar, every people has its festival and this is our festival”. (Sahih)

Reference: Sunan Ibn Majah Vol-3 Page 90 Hadith 1898,Darussalam Publications.

Note: Bu’ath was a place about two miles from Al Madinah where on that day before Islam, a battle took place between the Ansar tribe and tribe of Aus and Khazraj.
We see that Ansar used to commemorate (Urs) the major events in the life of their ancestors.
It was Narrated from Muhammad bin Hatib that Messenger of Allah (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said :”What differentiate between the lawful and unlawful is (beating) the Duff and raising the voices (in song) at the time of marriage ” (Hasan) Sunan Ibn Majah [Arabic-english ], Vol 3, Hadith 1896, Page 89.Darussalam publications, Saudi Arabia.

Comments by the Translators: Beating Duff on the occasion of weddings serves the purpose that all the people will know about marriage. Songs,poetry etc, may also be sung at this occasion so long as it’s wording is not contrary to the teachings of the Shari’ah; and only the young girls, who are not adult, are allowed to do so. This type of entertainment is allowed during the Eid days too.

Verdict by Sufism Live : This hadith refute misguided sects' attack on Sufi people who are using musical instruments and singing in the Zikr. Also, there is no prohibition or restrictions on which instrument is allowed which is prohibited. Those days only duff and drums were available, people today use electrical instruments, aren’t people using electronic Quran and sound instruments today?.
So wake up people of misguidance!

It was narrated from Anas bin Malik that the Prophet (SallaAllahu alaihi wa Sallam) passed by some part of Al -Madinah and saw some girls beating their Duff and singing,
“We are girls from Banu Najjar
What an excellent neighbour is Muhammad”
The Prophet (SallaAllahu alaihi Wa Sallam) said: “Allah knows that you are dear to me” (Sahih) Sunan Ibn Majah 1899, Darussalam Publishers ,Saudi Arabia (Wahabi Publishers)

It was narrated that Abu Hussain , whose name was Khalid Al-Madani,said:”We were in Al Madinah on the day of Ashura,and the girls were beating Duff and singing. We entered upon Ruba’i bint Mu’awwidh and mentioned that to her. She said: “the Messenger of Allah (SallaAllahu alaihi Wa Sallam) entered upon me on the morning of my wedding, and there were two girls with me who were singing and mentioning the qualities of my forefathers who were killed on the day of Badr. One of the thing they were saying was: “Among us there is a Prophet who knows what will happen tomorrow.” He (Prophet Salla Allahu alaihi wa Sallam) said: “Do not say this, for no one knows what will happen tomorrow except Allah” (Sahih), Sunan Ibn Majah 1897

Comments: In Sufi Paths (traditional Islam), it is still a traditions to sing and commemorate the life of Prophet alaihiswalathu wa salam, Sahaba ,ahlul bayth nd pious Imams and scholars.
Thise methods has a heritage and it is used as a means to keep the History and biography of Islam and Muslims alive, especially in the days when there is no abundance of paper or other methods to keep the History available to next generation,  they preserved it through songs and poems and commemorated anniversaries. 

Those who say this practice is Bidha and Haram, yet they run to some universities of Yahudis and secularists for a Degree of Islam and write their own books and CDs to preach Islam, must be ashamed of accusing old traditional practices!
The Hadiths support that the practice of Urs (Commemoration of the martyrs and Saints) allowed.
In this Hadith , Prophet SallaAllahu alaihi Wasallam) prohibit saying: “The Prophet knows what happen tomorrow”
However, later Hadiths those especially in Bukhaari and Muslim, explains that Prophet alaihiswalathu wa salam was given the Keys of heavens and earth and all knowledge is from Allah, and Allah gives Wisdom to Whoever He Will. And it is clear from other authentic hadiths from Bukhari and Muslim that Prophet alaihiswalathu wa salam was given all knowledge concerning his nation!


We can see that, Music is allowed in Islam when it is used in religious ceremonies ,marriages, Islamic festivals, Dhikr gatherings etc!
We also see that Music is forbidden when it is used to incite lust ,earthly passions and to make attraction between men and women!. Even, we see that those who attack Sufis for using Music during Dhikr (Zikr) , those people (Wahabis/false tawheed groups) use music in their TV channels , for promoting their events and video trailers! They even use Hollywood film clips to promote “End of Time” subject based Dawah programs!.

You can see youtube videos of Peace TV.Huda TV etc using music in their trailers and programs. The false scholars who accuse Sufis for using Music, you can see their Youtube End of Times (Doomsday) Islamic lectures filled with music and hollywood movie clips!

Seek the Sufi Islamic Way, which is the only correct Path without any hypocrisy and double-standard!

This Articles were borrowed from the Osmanli Naqshbandi Haqqani Tariqah, Facebook Page, which is inactive now.

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