The guardians of Soul

The Guardians of Souls: 
Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem
 When the sheep are with their guardians they will not be prey to wild dogs. The foxes will not deceive them with fairy tales. The hyenas will not chase them...but when the sheep move away from the shepherd they are deceived, hunted wounded and even slaughtered. The shepherd is a protective shield. Without obedience there is no shepherd to lead. The sheep is either lost to the predator, or sold to the butcher , but not let to spoil other sheep, nor to endanger obedient sheep!. Such sheep is only with the title sheep and the sheep may say, i belong to so and so shepherd while wandering away from the shepherds circle or radius. But the sheep is friend of the fox now, friend of the jackals , or friend of hyena, may be a hunter found the lost sheep and before the owner reach to it, he may slice the sheep alive and cook for dinner. But its late for the sheep to turn back and flee to the safety .

 The spiritual realms are more dangerous and vicious than the mortal realm of your five senses. If you need CCTV and security guards and police here , while foolishly saying: "Allah" is enough for me, not understanding what does the meaning of "Allah is Enough for you", then know that you are far from Allah and His Religion! Allah is Enough for us all, at the same time, we also need what Allah is giving to us , what Allah Almighty is teaching us through His Messenger (alaihiswalathu wa salam). So if need only Allah, then stop eating, stop drinking, stop breathing, stop shopping, stop talking, stop all that nonsense, stop going to doctor, stop taking medicine! So if you need all of that, you also need the Saints and Guardians of the Souls, the Shepherds , the teachers and heirs to the prophets! Just being thoughtful now... ~ Jouhar Ali Naqshbandi Al-Hassani 

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